new england

An artist acquaintance of mine, when recently questioned on Vermont Public Radio about living and working in this state, said quite bluntly that “there are just way too many trees!” While I admit that I might agree with this at times, I also feel quite blessed, as I survey not just the twenty five acre patch of mixed hardwoods, hemlock, brooks, and pasture that I, my wife Marlene, our three cats and beloved dog Glenda call home, but also as I consider the amazing community of truly caring and talented people that surrounds us. From this place we can look, for both solace and inspiration, to the surrounding forests, fields, rivers, lakes, and mountains…and, not more than a few hours drive - to the coastline and the islands beyond…caressed by a sea that speaks ever so eloquently of the deep and primordial ancestry to which we are all so indelibly connected.

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